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Regression Work

Authentic Value for Authentic Result - A Place to Follow Your Spiritual Heart and Know Your Soul

As a stand alone Regression session, our meeting is of 1 hour-for the cost of 100.00$

Purchase via Stripe

I came across the deep work of doing regression work many years ago, which allowed me to connect at a more profound level with my soul, yet on a conscious level, while working with my coach on releasing an inner block and move forward in letting go at a soul level of a personal relationship.

I was in my thirties and since then regression work has become a passion. I continued to delve into the benefits of this deep work which led me to train a few years ago with my life coach at the time.

Choosing to do regression work means that something within is nagging you to connect at a deeper level and perhaps you have tried many things  but there is still something that your soul needs to communicate in a way for you to get a bigger piece of the puzzle needed to move forward.

During the session, you are in control as you are fully conscious however very relaxed. A session can be stopped anytime by you as I ask permission to your soul to keep going or not. Nothing is done outside of your ''agreeing'' to do so.

If you have ever done meditation, regression work is sort of the same type of, lets say energy, however the process differs as I  help you move through different ''vibrational'' veils of yourself, and have access to the Akashic records of your soul and can more easily reconnect with what your soul is wanting you to know.

The sessions are conducted in a quiet environment, preferably lying down or seated in a comfortable position where you can relax and let go for that period. Being away from all distractions is highly encouraged.

 A Regression consultation is used at times,  as one of many other support tools used, as part of the 4 weeks coaching package offered, if deemed needed, to help towards a deeper connection with your soul.

Have questions or want more details about the deep work of regression?  Feel free to email me at and I will reply swiftly.

Sessions are available via Skype, Messenger,  or WhatsApp

Please note phone sessions are not possible for these kinds of consult.

Thank you for your understanding.

  • Connecting at a soul level

    Follow Your Heart Know Your Soul

  • Connecting at a soul level

    Follow Your Heart Know Your Soul

  • Connecting at a soul level

    Follow Your Heart Know Your Soul

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